Fleet Forum uses Gamoteca to train global fleet managers and drivers with simulation-based games.

Forum de la flotte
est une organisation à but non lucratif inspirant des transports meilleurs, plus propres, plus sûrs et plus efficaces dans le monde entier. Pour ce faire, ils rassemblent des acteurs clés des secteurs de l'aide au développement et du transport commercial et leur apportent un soutien avec une formation sur les meilleures pratiques pour une gestion de flotte efficace et efficiente.
Fleet Forum et Gamoteca ont travaillé ensemble pour créer un jeu d'apprentissage personnalisé entièrement en ligne pour répondre à leurs besoins de formation
Fleet Forum
The Challenge
Fleet Forum has experience in delivering training on fleet management across the world and it was in this context that they developed two board games for increasing participant engagement and collaboration during their face-to-face workshops.
Originally an offline board game, Driving Force explores the importance of road safety and driver-manager interactions that can lead to or prevent road traffic crashes, thereby leading to a company's success.
In the wake of the pandemic, Fleet Forum initially tried to play the board games over Zoom, e.g. with participants giving instructions to the facilitator to make a move, but this was challenging to facilitate and create the same game dynamics for the players. They realised the need for a virtually-friendly version of that could be played without diluting the messaging of the game.

Fleet Forum
The Solution
This is where Gamoteca came in. Having helped global organisations create online game-based learning experiences, Gamoteca worked with Fleet Forum to create a blended learning pathway — balancing the 'fun' of playing a game, yet instilling the essential learnings.
As with various methodology transformations, the process was not just about migrating to a digital format but reimagining the learning experience. To start, Gamoteca organised virtual design thinking workshops to better understand the end users of the learning experience and what it was that they needed to learn.
Once the initial storyboard was created, the second step was to rapidly develop a prototype on the Gamoteca platform to test with the initial users. At this stage, some of the issues were highlighted and allowed us the opportunities to make the game better.

Fleet Forum
Fleet Forum introduced two new Gamoteca learning experiences
Urgent Mission, where learners took on the role of a fleet manager in an emergency context. They had to make decisions of how to manage resources while ensuring the safety of their team and providing help.
Driving Force, where learners took on the role of a driver or a fleet manager and had to complete tasks responsibly.
(This was adapted from the Driving Force board game)
Within the first year, Fleet Forum’s games were deployed to over 250 learners on the Gamoteca platform. Learners joined facilitated sessions for the games and actively engaged with each other, learning from each other’s experiences and practicing their skills —
which are usually lost in traditional e-learning settings.
The games successfully achieved the following learning objectives—
Making quick decisions in difficult scenarios
Helping drivers and fleet managers understand the importance of road safety
Learning from others like themselves, not just a computer.