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UNDP Case Study

Forum de la flotte

est une organisation à but non lucratif inspirant des transports meilleurs, plus propres, plus sûrs et plus efficaces dans le monde entier. Pour ce faire, ils rassemblent des acteurs clés des secteurs de l'aide au développement et du transport commercial et leur apportent un soutien avec une formation sur les meilleures pratiques pour une gestion de flotte efficace et efficiente.

Fleet Forum et Gamoteca ont travaillé ensemble pour créer un jeu d'apprentissage personnalisé entièrement en ligne pour répondre à leurs besoins de formation 


The Challenge

The primary aim of this interactive learning experience, is to equip UNDP staff with essential skills and knowledge related to sexual harassment in the workplace. The objectives are threefold:


  1. Increase Awareness: Provide practical examples illustrating what constitutes unacceptable behaviour, thereby enhancing awareness among UNDP staff about the nuances of sexual harassment in the workplace.

  2. Develop Positive Behaviors: Foster positive behaviours to empower individuals to intervene as bystanders effectively. By cultivating a culture of proactive intervention, the goal is to prevent incidents of sexual harassment before they occur.

  3. Learn Reporting Conversations: Engage participants in a virtual role-play exercise specifically designed to simulate reporting conversations. This exercise aims to enhance staff members' awareness and comfort levels when it comes to reporting incidents of sexual harassment. It is crucial to stress that the learning experience does not replace existing comprehensive guidance on sexual harassment but serves as a supplementary tool, encouraging positive behavioral change among UNDP staff.

UNDP Case Study


The Solution

We've developed a mobile-friendly learning experience accessible through the Gamoteca mobile app or any web browser, designed to be completed within approximately 30 minutes. This self-paced journey enables learners to independently initiate and progress through activities, making it a flexible and convenient educational tool.


Individual learners can seamlessly navigate most activities and assessments without requiring a second learning partner. However, we've integrated a collaborative element for those seeking a richer experience. Learners have the option to invite a partner to share reflections, fostering open discussions for certain activities.

Trainers can leverage this learning experience for cohort training, grouping learners into pairs for enhanced engagement. The structure incorporates engaging storytelling and scenario-based elements, delivering bite-sized content to raise awareness about sexual harassment, bystander strategies, and reporting. For a deeper dive, we've included links to more detailed guidance on these topics.


Assessments are thoughtfully integrated to keep learners engaged, and there's a unique opportunity to practice reporting conversations. Additionally, we encourage open reflection with the option for learners to share their thoughts and receive feedback from their learning partners.

UNDP Case Study


The Results

Our learning experience unfolds across three progressive levels, each contributing to a comprehensive understanding of workplace dynamics and sexual harassment.


Level 1: Defining Sexual Harassment

  • Clear definition and illustrative examples of sexual harassment

  • In-depth analysis of why each example is deemed unacceptable

  • Introduction of a scenario depicting interactions among a harasser, victim, and bystander


Level 2: Bystander Intervention

  • Strategies for effective bystander intervention

  • Thoughtful reflections on the application of these strategies to the scenario introduced in Level 1


Level 3: Reporting 

  • Exploration of a suboptimal reporting example between a bystander and a manager, offering an opportunity for reflection on missteps

  • Interactive practice session simulating a reporting conversation, with the bystander taking on the role of a manager

  • Step-by-step guidance on correct responses, coupled with real-time feedback

  • Full recording of the reporting conversation for self-assessment and detailed feedback


This structured approach ensures a progressive and immersive learning experience, building a foundation in defining sexual harassment, honing intervention strategies, and mastering the art of reporting in a simulated but realistic workplace scenario.

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