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  • Writer's pictureLauren Anders Brown

Preparing for job interviews through a practice-based experience

Updated: May 17, 2023

Creative Director, Lauren Anders Brown

Alone in your car. While you are walking your dog. Or making your morning coffee. All places you can get lost in your head while rehearsing for that interview that will land you the dreaam job. Or if you’re on the other side of the desk (or screen), you may barely get time to think of the interview questions, let alone how you pitch your company as the best place to work. It is important to be prepared from both perspectives, whether you are the interviewer or the interviewee.

Practice aloud

It’s not enough to think of potential answers to questions in your mind, you need to physically say them aloud to get the real benefit of interview prep and practice. I’m here for the interview gets you to practise with another person looking to practise their interviewing skills. This person can be a friend or colleague (not your dog) who has offered to help you prepare but you can’t negotiate time in your schedules to work in real time. This interactive experience allows you to practise asking questions and responding to interview questions whenever it suits you. Your interview partner may draft a question in the evening after they finish work, and when you wake up in the morning, you can review it and respond over your morning cup of coffee.

Prepare, prepare, prepare

Other than just speaking aloud to a human, the interactive experience covers the essentials of preparing for the interview from both perspectives, including researching the role and company, tackling situational questions, responding to curve ball questions, before swapping roles and learning what it’s like to sit on the other side of the desk. Overconfidence is the killer to most interviews, thinking practising isn’t worth the time can be the difference between landing a dream job and walking out deflated.

Attracting talent during the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation has left many workers with the feeling of fulfilling their own destiny and there’s no signs of it slowing this year, with one in five workers quitting before the end of 2022. With so many people out of the workforce, there’s only so long before they’ll need to start looking for a more fulfilling job. Companies need to do a better job of attracting talent back and presenting themselves as a great place to work at, and this starts with the job interview. The interviewer represents the company during recruitment, and needs to come across professionally and as an exciting future colleague to work with.

So when you are ready, let the Great Interviewing begin! Head over to Gamoteca and start a new session and get practising with a buddy.


Try the I'm here for the interview learning experience on the learner app today.

If you are looking to train recruiting managers on interviewing skills within your organisation, you can adapt the learning experience to your company’s training needs by creating a free Gamoteca Creator account.

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